Thursday, October 18, 2007

PS II after SPM?

Knowing that most of my friends are having this super duper uber nice machine, I felt like having one too. I've been sticking with computers too much for the past few years, I think it's time to change, ayeh? And, all these SPM shitz are really getting on my nerves.

I'm afraid I cannot finish my syllabus.
I'm afraid I cannot score more than 8As.
I'm afraid I cannot reach my parents' expectations.
I'm afraid I ..

Yeah, for now. It's all about SPM. And my future. And no PS II. That sucks.
But, PS II after SPM? Sounds great.

Friday, October 5, 2007


What's your colour?

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Little John and his teacher in the classroom.

Teacher asked little John: "If there were 10 crows on a fence and a guy used a shortgun and shot 7 of the crows, how many crows were there left?"

Little John replied: "None."

Teacher said: "Nope, it's 3 but can you explain why you said none?"

Little John replied: "If the guy shot the crows wouldn't the crows get scared and fly away?"

Teacher replied: "Ahh~~ I like the way you think."

Little John said: "So, it's my turn to ask you a question, teacher."

Teacher said: "Okay."

Little John asked: "There were 3 women at the ice-cream parlour. All 3 of them bought ice-creams, one was sucking the cone, one was biting the cone, and one was licking the cone. So which one was a married woman?"

Teacher replied: "The woman that was sucking the cone."

Little John said: "Nope, the one with the wedding ring. But, ah~~ I like the way you think."